+43 1 2600-22971 office@vichousing.org

Registration for Landlords

Your contact details


I hereby confirm that I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions and agree that all data will be treated confidentially and used only for internal use by the International Atomic Energy Agency. I am aware that I can revoke consent at any time with effect for the future.


I hereby confirm that I have examined and agree to use the proper rental contract template provided by the Housing Service for rental agreements concluded through the mediation efforts of the Housing Service. I also understand that the usage of these templates is mandatory and a prerequisite to list my property on the Housing Service platform.

MIETVERTRAG (Vollausnahme MRG - Kurzzeitmietverträge)
MIETVERTRAG (Teilausnahme MRG)
MIETVERTRAG (Vollanwendung MRG – Zinshaus und Eigentumswohnungen in vor 1945 errichteten Gebäuden)
MIETVERTRAG (Vollausnahme MRG - Ein- und Zweifamilienhaus)

Fields marked with * are mandatory and must be filled in.