A recently published brochure “Housing/living in Vienna” provides comprehensive and valuable information for newcomers to Vienna. You are welcome to download the electronic version here
1010 – the 1st district (Innenstadt or Innere Stadt).
1020 – the 2nd district (Leopoldstadt)
1030 – the 3rd district (Landstraße)
1040 – the 4th district (Wieden)
1050 – the 5th district (Margareten)
1060 – the 6th district (Mariahilf)
1070 – the 7th district (Neubau)
1080 – the 8th district (Josefstadt)
1090 – the 9th district (Alsergrund)
1100 – the 10th district (Favoriten)
1110 – the 11th district (Simmering)
1120 – the 12th district (Meidling)
1130 – the 13th district (Hietzing)
1140 – the 14th district (Penzing)
1150 – the 15th district (Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus)
1160 – the 16th district (Ottakring)
1170 – the 17th district (Hernals)
1180 – the 18th district (Währing)
1190 – the 19th district (Döbling)
1200 – the 20th district (Brigittenau)
1210 – the 21st district (Floridsdorf)
1220 – the 22nd district (Donaustadt)
1230 – the 23rd district (Liesing)
1300 Vienna International Airport
1400 Vienna International Centre (UNO-City, United Nations offices in Vienna)
1500 Austrian United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces
Where applicable, VAT must be paid by all staff, with the exception of staff holding grade P-5 and above.
Maintenance costs “Betriebskosten” includes:
Please Note: House maintenance costs are being revised at the end of each calendar year by the house administration (“Hausverwaltung”) and adjusted within the first 6 months of the following year. Your total rent will change accordingly, unless it was agreed that the rent is paid in a lump sum, inclusive of charges.
The deposit usually consists of 3 months’ rent (inclusive of house maintenance costs and VAT). Commercial property owners such as banks or insurance companies typically require a deposit of between 4 and 6 months’ total rent.
How to pay deposits:
Most owners will accept a savings book from your bank to be handed over upon signing the lease or taking possession of keys against receipt. The interest is in favor of the tenant. In case the owner prefers cash it should be stated in the lease contract that the usual interest is granted to the lessee.
Deposits are refundable at the end of the lease, either prompt or within 4 weeks, provided that all bills have been paid and the apartment is in good condition.
Gas/electricity is billed based on an estimate of the consumption of these utilities during the previous year, divided into 4 annual installments. The accounts are settled each year; whereby any credit or amounts are due; the month when the meters of your apartment will be read appears on the bill.
The organizations at the VIC are prepared to refund part of the commission (please consult the individual(s) responsible for rental subsidies in your respective Division of Personnel). IAEA staff eligible to receive a rental subsidy will be refunded the so-called registration fee (“Kosten der Vergebührung”) once every seven years.
The individual(s) responsible for rental subsidies in your respective Division of Personnel can provide detailed information concerning the amount of subsidy to which you are entitled.
Austrian rental law calls for a minimum lease duration of three years. The tenant however has the right to terminate the lease after the first year prior to submitting three months’ notice. It should be noted the rental law is not applicable to single and two-family’s houses. In these instances any lease period and notice option is possible.
It is strongly recommended to conclude a household insurance that covers theft, third party liability and damages caused by defective appliances such as fires from faulty electrical devices or water damage from washing machine or dish washer). It is also recommended to make sure a clause is included specifically covering glass breakage meant for windows, stovetops, of fish aquariums. You can expect to pay anywhere from € 150,-- to € 250.-- per year for such household coverage. Please consult your insurance representative for further details. It is helpful and cost effective to inquire about a package deal to combine your household insurance together with any other requirements you may have, such as accident, supplementary medical, legal protection, life insurance etc.
According to Austrian rental law “normal wear and tear” must be taken into consideration. However the law applies to apartments in “older” buildings (built before 1945). As it is becoming increasingly customary for landlords to include a clause requiring painting, you are advised to check the terms of your lease.
Employees of all Organisations based in the VIC are entitled to use the VIC Housing Service at no charge.
CPI and HICP overview
The consumer price index (CPI) is a measure of general price trends and of inflation in Austria. The harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) is the basis for a comparative measurement of inflation in Europe and for evaluating the stability of monetary values within the Eurozone. In addition to its role as a general indicator of inflation, the CPI is used for the valorisation of fixed amounts of money (e.g. rents, living costs), and also provides the data on which wage and salary negotiations are based. Both consumer price indices are thus key indicators for Austrian and European data users. The CPI has been subject to revisions since 1958, and was revised for the eighth time at the beginning of 2011. The previous “Consumer Price Index 2005” was replaced by the series based on 2010; the new index series is thus known as “CPI 2010”. Appropriate chaining factors (available only on the German Website) are used to continue previous indices.
Costs for Gas and electricity are to be paid according to bills that arrive five times a year. The costs are based on the consumption of the preceding year and will be settled annually. It is important to have the meters read at the beginning of the lease. Meter readings can be sent online to Wien Energie . (Most of the landlords are willing to assist).
According to local customs the tenant is responsible to keep the apartment and its inventory that is provided to him/her in good condition, including repair and replacement of appliances.
The owner is responsible for serious damages “ernste Schaeden”, concerning the substance of the house (roof, façade, windows on the outside, lift, pipes inside the walls). All other equipment is the responsibility of the tenant.
Please Note: Our office is assisting our staff in negotiating reasonable maintenance clauses.
Advice: Before moving in we recommend to check if the appliances (stove, fridge, dishwasher, washing machine, heating system) are in good condition and have been serviced before moving in.